
Jennifer Thomasson Prepares to Represent USA in the 2023 Interflora World Cup

The 2023 Interflora World Cup will take place in Manchester, England from September 7-9, where competitors will participate in six different heats over three days of competition. Competitors will create floral masterpieces that concentrate on sustainability and natural materials. Some competition categories have been shared ahead of time so competitors can prepare their designs, while others will be surprise packages, but all design challenges are under time constraints. But what actually goes into preparing for an event like the Interflora World Cup? How do the competitors hone their skills to get themselves in top form in the weeks and months leading up to the main competition?

We recently spoke to Jennifer Thomasson AIFD, the competitor representing the USA at the 2023 Interflora World Cup.  Find out how she’s using her floral background and unique style to prepare for her take on this year’s theme of “Our Natural World,” how her planning and preparations have gone, and how she’s feeling as the competition dates draw near!

The overall theme of the 2023 Interflora World Cup is “Our Natural World.” Please share a few thoughts about this theme.

When we were told about the theme, I felt very at ease. To be given permission to completely fall into the idea of natural design, as well as the depths of potential discovery, was enchanting. There were so many avenues that I found myself traveling down as I explored the various ways to take these guidelines and express floral art. It was a rewarding and inspiring process that ignited so many projects. I know that the designs I have to share at the competition will continue to grow in my mind, will spark to life in the moment, and will fully immerse me into the final pieces.

"When we were told about the theme, I felt very at ease. To be given permission to completely fall into the idea of natural design, as well as the depths of potential discovery, was enchanting.”

How are you preparing for the competition?

I have been invested in thoughts about the theme since it was announced in January. I’ve been thinking about the possibilities, sketching, color combinations, changes, etc. The list really goes on and on as my mind has been thinking of the many possibilities. Ultimately, I had to decide on only one, and not turn back, which is exactly what I’ve done. At this point, I’ve put in 60+ hours preparing, practicing, making, and mulling over what could make it better to give the judges the opportunity to give me high scores.

Which of your 3 prepared designs are you most excited about and why?

I am most excited about the surprise package designs because that is when the exhilaration really kicks in for me. Not knowing what materials I have to work with, as well as the time constraints really make me think on my feet and pull out my creative concepts for a unique composition on this scale.

Can you share any details on what you are planning for one of your prepared designs?

I want to create a sense of fantasy in the 3 designs that I am able to plan ahead: the Canopy, the Wave, and the Wedding. I want to stand out from others with my unique perspective and create an aura of fantasy using my ideas, textures, colors, and framework, all with the intention of using natural materials and forms to fit the theme.

With less than 2 months until the competition, what are you focusing on now?

Practice. Practice. Practice!

It sounds like Jennifer’s head is definitely in the game, and her creative juices are flowing. FTD, Smither-Oasis North America, and all of Jennifer’s supporters are looking forward to seeing her final pieces at the competition!


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