
Get Inspired: AIFD National Symposium in Review

Did you miss AIFD’s 2016 National Symposium, “Inspiration”? Allow us to pull back the curtain on the top five most intriguing and inspiring goings-on from this year’s annual gathering, which took place in Anaheim, CA, July 3-7.  FTD is proud to be an AIFD Platinum Elite Partner.

Amazing stage shows.
Stunning presentations ranged from paper flower creation to botanically infused couture to British bridal inspirations from the past and present. FTD Education Consultant Jacob McCall AIFD presented “Remembering the Magic,” a floral interpretation of classic Disney films such as Snow White and Cinderella.

AIFD Induction and Awards Ceremony.
This year AIFD bestowed the Award of Merit – Non Industry to Ellen DeGeneres for her promotion of the industry through the daily inclusion of fresh flowers on her set. If only she had been able to accept her award in person!

Hands-on design classes.
Over the course of the symposium, attendees had the opportunity to take part in four hands-on design courses that were the perfect addition for those looking for an even greater educational experience.

Exciting new products.
At the AIFD Partners’ Expo and Book Fair, attendees got a firsthand look at inspiring displays of new products designed to spark creativity.

The opportunities to meet and mingle with floral artists from around the world were endless in Anaheim.

Members of FTD’s Education Team were also on hand to expand their education and stay on top of new trends. Those being “inspired” were Deborah De La Flor AIFD, Ann Jordan AIFD, Jacob McCall AIFD, Ian Prosser AIFD and Randy Wooten AIFD, as well as FTD Quality Services Rep Pete Samek AIFD.

And now it’s time to get excited for next year! AIFD’s 2017 National Symposium, “X,” will be held in Seattle on July 1-5. Mark your calendars so you don’t miss this incredible event!

To learn more about the 2016 AIFD National Symposium visit http://aifd.org/aifd-2016-symposium-inspiration/


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