
Five Thoughtful Ways
to Celebrate Dad

Father’s Day might not bring flowers to mind in quite the same way that Mother’s Day does, but with a little creativity, you can fashion memorable gifts as unique and thoughtful as the dads who will be receiving them.


Think outside the vase.

For the dad who implores his children to “waste not, want not,” create a bouquet in a container that can easily be reused, such as a coffee cup or even a beer mug. Don’t forget to include a small bag of coffee or a bottle of root beer! You could also promote the FTD Color Your Day bouquets, which arrive in paint can-inspired containers that can easily be repurposed as catchalls.




The way to Dad’s heart is
through his stomach.

Remember when bacon roses hit the Internet? Fashioning flowers out of meat might be a little extreme, but you can still satisfy Dad’s cravings with edible add-ons, such as a box of chocolates, beef jerky or pretzels.



Create a great addition to his yard.

For the dad who remains vigilant in the war against dandelions and prides himself on perfectly straight lawn mower lines, suggest artfully arranged succulents or a decorative cactus that will make his manicured backyard look even more attractive.



Help him relax.

Dads work hard. They also worry a lot. Maybe the person buying him flowers is the very person who stresses him out the most. For the dad who needs to unwind, suggest a bouquet that features plants renowned for their aromatherapy properties, such as eucalyptus, rosemary and lavender. A bonsai plant or bamboo might also help Dad feel more Zen.



Root-root-root for the home team.

Consider offering a special Father’s Day bouquet in the colors of your local pro sports team. Pair it with a tiny team pennant or a small bag of gourmet popcorn that Dad can munch while watching his favorite team play. Get inspired by the FTD Color Confections collection, which is available in a rainbow of colors to complement pro and local sports teams (or just Dad’s favorite hue).


How does your shop create memorable Father’s Day pieces? Tell us in the comments below!


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